Technique Friday – Elevate MMA Combo Concepts

Technique Friday – Elevate MMA Combo Concepts


Why is each combo important? Let’s break them down:

Combos 1 & 2: These are the same combo shot from different angles. The combo is retreating hook + rear knee > retreating hook + lead knee > step back 2 + close door 3 > step back 3 + pool cue 2

This combo is building different retreating rhythms that can throw off our opponents. If they duck the retreating hooks we have two different looks to give them. Then we explore two options of leading with a hook or cross and then closing your stance with the opposite. The big concept is that we are changing looks and rhythms. Once they get used to one rhythm we can switch up and create confusion in our opponent.

Combo 3: Jab – Cross – “Snake” body shot – “Tyson” Hook This combo is a tribute to two different training partners I have worked with. Jay Palacios is a master of fading off when someone throws a right hand and landing a sneaky body shot that is pretty crippling. Brandon Garner is a master of the level change and then rolling into his hook, he almost ends up leaping forwards and covers a surprising ground with great power, and the level change serves to pull the opponents hands down. Our concept here is stealing techniques you see others succeeding with and finding the way to practice and integrate them.

Combo 4: Jab – elbow -spinning backfist – reverse spinning backfist – rear knee – elbow – spinning backfist – reverse spinning backfist – rear knee. This combo introduces both flavors of the backfist while giving the option to take up ground. A common response to the backfist is to let is pass by and then to step in. This combo has the answer by bringing the backfist again. The concept we are building is to develop sneaky setups that take advantage of the most common response of our opponents.

Huge thank you to Gene Kim for shooting and editing the video as well as Stewart of Triangle Self Defense Training for holding mitts.