Guaranteeing a Win 1 hr/day

Guaranteeing a Win 1 hr/day

Over the long haul a fighter must be dedicated to a living a process based life.  Short term fixes can drive short term results, but over the long term the right habits will breed success.  I was recently discussing small habits that could drive better results and training.  From my perspective an easy way to ensure success is to win the beginning and end of the day.

First of all: DO NOT TOUCH your cell phone, laptop or TV for 30 minutes on either side of your day.  Clearing this space can allow the space for your brain to make better connections.  A less crowded brain can make space for the knowledge acquisition and clear mind required for a fighter to reach their ultimate potential.  As an added bonus staying away from screens will help set sleep routines, which will aid recovery.

Now that devices are out, let’s talk prescriptions:

Start of the day (Rx):

Wake Up > Weigh yourself > Drink 32 oz water > take all AM supplements

Go for 10-15 min walk > engage in 10-15 min active recovery/movement practice

Start day


    Weighing yourself morning and night is a good practice to get into as a weight class athlete, you can head off dehydration sooner, and make sure you are properly fueled.  32 oz of water is always a good idea, especially for a high volume athlete.  AM supplements start the routine on the right foot.  Walking, especially to start the day,can get both your brain and your body moving.  It also has the benefit of getting your eyes exposed to sunlight which locks the sleep routine in place.  The movement practice can be incredibly simple (foam rolling, yoga, etc), but it will build the foundation of learning your body and help stave off injuries.

End of the Day (Rx):

    Turn down all lights > active recovery or epsom salt bath (10-15min)

Meditation (10-15 min)> Check weight



    Drop the lights down, install dimmer switches or even just use all candles, either way it starts the chain on getting deep restful sleep.  Some added recovery time, or a scalding hot epsom salt bath are ideal to aid relaxation, and lower inflammation.  Meditation can be mindfulness practice, visualization exercises, or reviewing lessons of the day mentally.  Finally checking weight to give an idea of how much your body is burning overnight.

So this is the prescription but let me add a couple caveats.

-Life: I understand that depending on work/family situations this may not be do-able.  Always maximize sleep before attempting to add these in, but no matter how busy you are turning down lights or drinking water is pretty easy so there should be application for anyone.

-Sleep/Clear Mind: notice how much of the routine is designed to maximize sleep and clear out the mind.  These habits make the average good and the good great.