15 Feb Elevate Updated Reading List (Year 2)
I realized I could easily edit the previous year’s post, but I did not want to lose the evolution of the list over the years. 2 books I read this year made it onto the list, and I want to see how much my selection suffer from a recency bias. That said I have trimmed the list down significantly. The original list had 21 books and now we are down to 16. Leaving more empty space will hopefully mean students are seeking out there own learning resources more often and spending time with material that stokes the flames of there passion for the sport.
I’ve taken on the challenge of re-reading every book on this list in order. I will post updated thoughts as I finish each.
White Belt :
- The Art of Learning – Josh Waitzkin Still in my mind a perfect book. I go back to this so much in giving students advice. This book is a simple, effective guidebook to cultivating quality in any endeavor.
- The Fighter’s Mind – Sam Sheridan This book is oversimplified in a way which is what I like about it. It is a great introduction to fighting and the mental terrain that we all must cover.
- Jiu-Jitsu University – Saulo Ribeiro This was fun to re-read after many years. The Ribeiro brother are so simple and effective. This book is still an ideal learning aid for someone try to learn the vast expanse that is grappling. There is enough philosophy and strategy to give positive crossover beyond the scope of the positions covered. This book positionally will fill in for the nights you miss class in many ways.
- Tools of the Titans – Tim Ferris A look into hundreds of brilliant minds distilled down. As I read it again I keep thinking of different students for each passage. You will find 5-10 people who blow your mind. Hopefully this will inspire a deeper look into their work. If you listen to a few extras podcasts, read a few extra books/blogs, or take some actionable quotes for your life then this book has done the job.
Blue Belt:
- Grit – Angela Duckworth
- 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Steven Covey
- Way of the Peaceful Warrior
- Drill to Win – Andre Galvao
Purple Belt:
- Coaching for Performance
- Anti-Fragile – Nasem Taleb
- Siddhartha – Herman Hesse
- With Winning in Mind – Lanny Bassham
Brown Belt:
- 48 Laws of Power – Robert Greene
- Leadership from the Inside Out – Kevin Cashman
- Tao Te Ching – Lao Tzu
- Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance – Robert Pirsig
For resources I’ve stuck to much of what I used in the previous year’s edition. I’ve become obsessed with finding any good striker and following their instagram and that has payed a lot of dividends Bazooka Joe has a great instagram account and the accompanying youtube channel is gold so check those out for sure.
Until next year….