19 Dec Elevate MMA 2025 Curriculum
We are always seeking to evaluate what we are doing and make tweaks to everything to improve. For the past four years we have run monthly curriculums that attempt to move in a natural progression. We are going to make a large departure in the coming year.
For 2025 everything will rotate weekly.
1. Blending Striking w Takedowns
2. Ground Striking
3. Wall Work
4. Escapes & Rides
1. Back
2. Pins
3. Guard & Passing (includes leglocks as well)
4. Turtle & Front Headlock
1. Shooting Hips (Single, Double, Hi-C)
2. Upper Body (Body Lock, Back Body Lock, Front Headlock, Foot Sweeps, Judo)
1. Closed Engagement (2 weeks/month)
2. Open Engagement
3. Clinch
We have a large amount of variation in our academy with students ranging from Day 1 of training all the way through professional fighter and experienced black belts. With this structure if you train with us for one month, you will have seen enough variety to hopefully have a general understanding of the whole picture. For those with upcoming competitions you will have spent time working in all positions in the lead up. That seems like a huge benefit compared to needing to wait a full year before being exposed to a lesson plan again.
Frequency of exposure to the ideas will go up
Do less things overall so we can do them better
Have a “balanced” month in terms of training volume
Avoid overuse injuries
I’m excited to see the results – and I’m sure we will keep tweaking & adjusting as we go
Let’s have a huge 2025