Opening Maneuvers

Opening Maneuvers

Sparring in the gym has a certain rhythm. No matter what kind of practice you are doing the beginning is the same: a touch of gloves or fist bump then both partners disengaging before beginning to reengage. It is considered poor sportsmanship to gain an immediate edge and any success gained from that initial advantage is considered illegitimate. For example, if at the beginning of the round of sparring one partner shoots immediately off the glove touch, gets the takedown and submits that would be considered a cheap win and as they stand the other partner will be more wary in the future.

Because of this gym mindset people forget about the incredible advantage that can be gained immediately in any conflict or match. If your opponent practices everyday at this relaxed beginning to any contest and “feeling” his way into the fight and you come out with a set gameplan for the initial engagement you stand to be at a great advantage. That initial advantage can prove decisive and there are no do overs in a match or fight. Instead you will leave the victor.

Many people love the analogy of combat sports to human chess and this is one place where the analogy fits very well. Only working on openings for chess is fools gold and will not lead to long term success, but having a working knowledge of openings and being able to gain an early advantage can at times prove decisive and by implementing your plan you are proactive and not hoping that no attack will be immediately launched against you.

So take a moment to think about how you want your next match, fight or competition to start and take the initiative to your opponent.